Professor Vesna's lecture about the industrialization held the concepts of assembly lines which first led the way to mass production in our society. Back in the day, the mass production allowed more and more people to have access to cars and other objects at a cheaper cost. Eventually, these repetitive tasks were assigned to robots and these robots were able to achieve production rates much greater than human labor alone.
Robots are not just used in production assembly lines for cars, they can also be applied to art. Objects can be duplicated with ease and mass produced. With the new introduction 3D printing, people are able to make figurines of their own or even download schematics and create an object of art in their own home.
Robotics and technology can also be used in non-physical forms. As technology grows more advanced, machines become smarter and smarter and thus the ways we can use technology grows as well. Animated films have become very common. Computers are necessary to create the special effects that earn films millions every year.
Technology has become smarter and smarter as time goes on. Almost twenty years ago the first computer chess AI was developed and beat the first chess grandmaster. Now, chess engines continue to improve and have been overtaking human chess champions.